Space Monkey Hoax

  1. 1953-07-07 Flying saucer corpse 'out of this world' Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, NY), p. 7

  2. 1953-07-09 Visit from 'unearthly creature' monkey business, says sciencehe Racine Journal Times (Racine, WI), p. 1
  3. 1953-07-09 'Space visitor' really monkey Edwardsville Intelligencer (Edwardsville, IL), p. 2
  4. 1953-07-09 Visitor from outer space was just a monkey without tail [Part 1] [Part 2] The Commercial-Mail (Columbia City, IN), p. 8
  5. 1953-07-09 'Flying saucer' creature just member of monkey family, claim The Greenville News (Greenville, SC), p. 7
  6. 1953-07-09 Man from space only ‘monkey business’ The Macon News (Macon, GA), p. 3

    1953-07-10 Face from space Ames Daily Tribune (Ames, IA), p. 1

  7. 1953-07-10 Georgia man fined $40 in 'saucer' hoax The Shreveport Times (Shreveport, LA), p. 5A
  8. 1953-07-10 Shorn monkey 'space man' nets hoaxer fine of $40 The Hartford Courant, First Edition (Hartford, CT), p. 16
  9. 1953-07-10 Little man from outer spate wasn't Elmira Advertiser (Elmira, NY), p. 1
  10. 1953-07-10 Georgia barber admits 'monkey business from Mars' was hoax Lubbock Morning Avalanche (Lubbock, TX), p. 2-12
  11. 1953-07-10 Captor of 'space man' gels fine The Sun (Baltimore, MD), p. 3
  12. 1953-07-10 Barber admits 'little man' just monkey The El Paso Times (El Paso, TX), p. 28
  13. 1953-07-10 Highway' no place for monkeyshines Fort Worth Star-Telegram (Fort Worth, TX), p. 3
  14. 1953-07-10 Barter slaves dead monkey for prop in 'space man' hoax The Daily Pantagraph (Bloomington, IL), p. 1
  15. 1953-07-10 'Outer space' visitor hoax revealed Morning Democrat (Davenport, IA), p. 9




    Canadian Fearsome Critter Service
