Terrestrial Cryptids, Fearsome Critters and Parazooids from United States
Newspaper clipping collection
These clippings were found in the course of my research or me going off on a Jackalope trail. It's a hodge-podge of clippings on strange creature.
I've compiled this list to lead by example. This is to encourge sharing of sources by biofortean researchers and to encourage outside scholars to examine our work.
Lashed By His Tail.
- 1892-07-24 Lashed By His Tail. The Chicago Sunday Tribune (Chicago, IL), p. 25
- 1892-07-24 Lashed By His Tail. [Part 1] [Part 2] [Illustration] The Chicago Sunday Tribune (Chicago, IL), p. 25
- 1892-07-24 Minnetonka's serpent turtle. [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] The Chicago Sunday Tribune (Chicago, IL), p. 25
- 1892-07-24 Wrecked a schooner at Muskegon. The Chicago Sunday Tribune (Chicago, IL), p. 25
- 1892-07-24 Twas black and oily at Mackinac. [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] The Chicago Sunday Tribune (Chicago, IL), p. 25
- 1892-07-24 Billy Dunn still keeps the oar. The Chicago Sunday Tribune (Chicago, IL), p. 25
- 1892-07-24 Seen face to face on Lake Erie. [Part 1] [Part 2] The Chicago Sunday Tribune (Chicago, IL), p. 25
- 1892-07-24 An awful light on Lake Geneva. The Chicago Sunday Tribune (Chicago, IL), p. 25
- 1892-07-24 Two of a kind at Devil's Lake. [Part 1] [Part 2] The Chicago Sunday Tribune (Chicago, IL), p. 25
- 1892-07-24 They grow up with the lake. The Chicago Sunday Tribune (Chicago, IL), p. 25
- 1892-07-24 To point the moral. The Chicago Sunday Tribune (Chicago, IL), p. 25
- 1896-07-12 A real Sea Serpent [Illustration] The Evansville Courier (Evansville, IN). p. 15
- 2012-06-15 Cougars again spread across Midwest, study says The News-Press (Fort Myers, FL), p. A6
- USA Ogopogology
Canadian Fearsome Critter Service