
    WS# 280

    … we would like to add the Self-Reversing Aqualump — a truly remarkable, if insidious, fish. Resembling a block of clear gelatin, to which a head and tail are attached, the Aqualump preserves itself from larger predator fish by swimming backwards. The predators think it is going instead of coming and thereupon abandon pursuit.

    That is unfortunate because the Aqualump has an annoying habit of enveloping its gelatin-like mass around fishermen's hooks and then shaking like a hula dancer. The resultant commotion makes the fisherman think he has a bite and he pulls in his hook, right through the Aqualump, to discover he has nothing. Which accounts for that well known alibi, "They were hitting short yesterday." There probably will be a lot of Aqualumps around this week-end.

    Connor, Jack. (1950, July 1). “It wasn’t a bite! It was only an Aqualump!” The Minneapolis Star [Minneapolis, MN], p. 10


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