Index of Fearsome Critter

Canadian Fearsome Critter Service

Compiled by Kevin Stewart

In collaboration with Fearsome Critter Database

and Sam Kalensky

    Index Notes

    ** Found to be real after indexing


    10-Legged Mice SEE Ten-legged Mice



  1. Abbagoochie

  2. Accordianteater WS# 225
    Musicacorupus botkini Sharpe, 2020

    Adusty Elk SEE Burrowing Elk

    African Skeeter SEE Moskitto

  3. Agropelter WS# 66
    Anthrocephalus craniofractens Sudw.

    Albatwich SEE Albatwitch

  4. Albatwitch

    Albatwitcher SEE Albatwitch

    Alberta Kiwi-bird SEE Kaput Bird

    Albotrich SEE Snipe

    Allergorhaihorhai SEE Biskobra

  5. Ancient Rarustarus WS# 307

  6. Anserbak WS# 236
    Avisimago artchildsi Sharpe, 2020

  7. Aqualump WS# 280

  8. Ararie WS# 197

    Arctic Bird of the Polar Seas SEE Flannel-Throated Golosh

    Arizona Whiffle Bird SEE Goofus Birds

    Arkansas Snipe SEE Moskitto

    Argopelter SEE Agropelter

  9. Audubon Snail WS# 265
    Espiphylla nympheola Rafin.

    Augurine SEE Augerino

  10. Augerino WS# 41
    Serpentes spirillum Wymn.

    Axe Handle Hound SEE Axehandle Hound

    Ax Handle Hound SEE Axehandle Hound

    Axe-handle Hound SEE Axehandle Hound

    Ax-handle Hound SEE Axehandle Hound

  11. Axehandle Hound WS# 122
    Canis consumens Tryn.

    Axehandle Hound SEE Axehandle Hound



  12. Bald-Knob Buzzard WS# 36

  13. Ballot-box Go-go

  14. Banjo Bass
  15. Bait Robber WS# 228
    Vermisvulpes vancerandolphi Sharpe, 2020

  16. Ball Fish WS# 214

  17. Ball-Tailed Cat WS# 99
    Felis candaglobosa Tryn.

  18. Bammit

  19. Barking Moon Crumbler WS# 49

  20. Barrel chested Frog WS# 277

  21. Bassigator WS# 103

  22. Bastard Cat WS# 202

  23. Bat Bass WS# 213

  24. Batsquatch

  25. Bazzozo

  26. Bear-Behind WS# 121

  27. Bedcat WS# 13
    Cimecofelis ferrignus Wymn.

  28. Beast of ’Busco WS# 165

  29. Beaver Shark

    Beaver Trout SEE Fur-Bearing Trout

    Beeskeeter SEE Beesquito

  30. Bee X Firefly

  31. Beesquito

    Behinder SEE Hidebehind

  32. Belled Buzzard WS# 6

    Big Hog Bear

  33. Big-eye Jumping Mouse WS# 251
    Gerbillus megalops Rafin.1818

  34. Big-mouth Sucker WS# 243
    Catostomus? megastomus Raf. 1820

  35. Big Mouth Sturgeon WS# 187
    Accipenser macrostomus Raf. 1820

  36. Big-tailed Lynx WS# 173
    Lynx magnacerous canadensis Wymn.

  37. Bigfoot WS# 200

  38. Bilateral Horse

  39. Billdad WS# 8
    Saltipiscator falcorostratus Sudw.

  40. Bird of Washington

    Bis-cobra SEE Biskobra

  41. Biskobra
    Sampoderma allergorhaihorhai Bogert & Del Campo. 1956

  42. Black Buffalo-fish WS# 242
    Catostomus niger Raf. 1819

  43. Black-dotted Perch WS# 184
    Perca nigropunctata Rafin.1820

  44. Black-eared Shrew WS# 255
    Sorex melanotis Rafin.1818

  45. Blackish Rat WS# 258
    Musculus nigricans Rafin. 1818

  46. Blue Ox WS# 62
    Taurus azureus

  47. Blue Racer WS# 246

  48. Bluish Shrew Mouse WS# 256
    Sorex cerulescens Rafin. 1818

  49. Boat Hound WS# 219
    Navisfur wymani Sharpe, 2020

  50. Bog Hop WS# 154
    Castoralces platycerous Wymn.

  51. Boger Owls WS# 68

  52. Bogie-Bird WS# 75

    Boogie Bird SEE Bogie-Bird

  53. Bolapus

  54. Bone-head Penguin WS# 308
    Sphenisius demersus

  55. Boont WS# 281

  56. Bouncer Fish

    Bovapulous SEE Snallygaster

    Bowger SEE Mountain Gouger

  57. Brindled Stamiter WS# 254
    Cricetus fasciatus Rafin. 1818

  58. Buffalo Carp Sucker WS# 189

    Bumbelito SEE Moskitto

  59. Burrowing Elk
    Cervus elaphus johnsonii Huckabay, 2018

  60. Bunyip



  61. Cabbage Smake WS# 316

  62. Cabbit WS# 115

  63. Cable Cleaning Cropple WS# 206

  64. Cactus Cat WS# 112
    Cactifelinus inebrius Sudw.

    California Goofus SEE Goofus

  65. Callopode WS# 232
    Musicacorpus tryoni Sharpe, 2020

  66. Camelce WS# 314

  67. Camp Chipmonk WS# 47

  68. Canada Mountain Creature Caught Running Behind Google Street Car

  69. Canine Gravedigger
    Canis fossor Suteminn, 1969

  70. Canine Gravedigger Flea
    Amalareus fossorius Suteminn, 1969

  71. Carrier Pigoen X Woodpecker

  72. Catawampus

  73. Celofay WS# 106

  74. Cement Worms WS# 164

  75. Central American Whintosser WS# 45
    Cephalovertens semperambulatus Sudw.

  76. Chawgreen WS# 118

  77. Circle Duck

  78. Chilicool Bird

  79. Cirqulous

    Clew-Bird SEE Mileormore

  80. Cloth-eared Dace
    Leucissus loppilugs Parker, 1987

  81. Clothesline Snake

    Club-tailed Glyptodon SEE Hinge-Tailed Bingbuffer

  82. Coach Smake

    Coachwhip Smake SEE Coach Smake

  83. CocKyoil Bird WS# 278

  84. Columbia River Sand Squink WS# 123 Anguillamvorax coruscens Tryn.

  85. Come-at-a-body WS# 78
    Quadrupes inprovisus Tryn.

  86. Cootie

    Corn Mouse SEE Black-Eared Shrew

  87. Cougar Fish WS# 44
    Pterygium unguis acutis Wymn.

  88. Cowaskie WS# 174
    Opistodromus Wymn.

  89. Creek-Ture WS# 287

  90. Crested Basketfish WS# 298
    Sagenapinna obriensis

  91. Cross-Eyed Crud WS# 11

  92. Cross-Feathered Snee WS# 119

  93. Crosscut Sawbill WS# 332
    Dendrochoppus forestii

  94. Cuba

  95. Cumberland Dragon

    Cute-cuss SEE Guyuscutus

    Cuter-cuss SEE Guyuscutus



  96. Dahu WS# 270

  97. Darby-hick WS# 18

    ** Detroit River Swordfish WS# 290

  98. Devil-Jack Diamond Fish WS# 163
    Litholepis adamantimus Rafin.

  99. Dew-mimk

  100. Diabolus Marls

  101. Ding-toed Awk WS# 59

  102. Ding-ball

  103. Dingbat WS# 132
    Bunkeri edithil Wymn.

    Ding-maul SEE Dingmaul

  104. Dingmaul WS# 61
    Saxicatellus vociferens Tryn.

  105. Dinglebird

  106. Ditto Bird

  107. Dismal Sauger WS# 27

  108. Distelfink

  109. Dog Mosquiito

  110. Domenech’s Pseudo-goat

  111. Dragon of San Diego

  112. Drop Bear WS# 272
    Thylarctos plummetus

  113. Drowsy Cover

  114. Drungo WS# 271

  115. Duck-Footed Dum-Dum WS# 216
    Ventertympanum coxi Sharpe, 2020

  116. Dungavenhooter Crocodilus hauriens Tryn. WS# 102

  117. Duxburys Singing Clams



  118. Eelpoot

    Elbegricksels SEE Spipe

  119. Electric Wildcat of Harrison

  120. Emori Crocogater

  121. Engineer-Rat WS# 136



  122. F. Lentamente

  123. Fangmalia

  124. Farm-raised Goanna WS# 273

    Filla-ma-loo SEE Goofus

    Fillieloo SEE Goofus

  125. Filo WS# 142

    Financial Fish Hound SEE Fish Hound

  126. Finless Fish

  127. Fireco Monster

  128. Fish-fox WS# 217
    Picisvulpes coertduboisia Sharpe, 2020

  129. Fish Hound WS# 3

  130. Fisher River Pond Borer WS# 180
    Limnocetes evelorhyneus Wymn.

  131. Flambeau Ambler WS# 178
    Piscis carniversa Wymn.

  132. Flannel-Throated Golosh WS# 147

  133. Flat

  134. Flatnose Double-fin WS# 186

  135. Flitterick WS# 74

    Floogie Bird SEE Goofus

    Flu-fly SEE Goofus

    Flute Bill SEE Gazunk

    Fly-fly Bird SEE Goofus

  136. Flycatcher Plant WS# 192

  137. Flying Hawk-fish

  138. Flying Pig WS# 111

  139. Fobbit WS# 248

  140. Fog-hog WS# 248
    Purcusnebulus vancerandolphi Sharpe, 2020

  141. Fresno Night Crawler

    Fruit-bearing Deer SEE Snawfus

  142. Funeral Mountain Terrashot WS# 108
    Funericorpus displosissimum Sudw.

  143. Funny Fleagle

  144. Fur-Bearing Trout WS# 43
    Salmo hirsutis tonsorius Wymn.

    Fur Herring SEE Fur-Bearing Trout

    Furred Salmon SEE Fur-Bearing Trout

  145. Fuzzy-billed Sidewinder



    Gally-wumpus SEE Wampus Cat

    Gallywampus SEE Wampus Cat

  146. Galump

    Galoopus SEE Gillygaloo

    Gambozino SEE Gamusino

    Gambusino SEE Gamusino

  147. Gamusino WS# 268

  148. Ganka

  149. Gardenil

  150. Gazerium

  151. Gazunk WS# 221
    Tibiarostrum tryoni Sharpe, 2020

  152. Gee-Gee Bird WS# 127
    Avis cryostatious Wymn.

  153. Geek-squaw WS# 71

  154. Giddy Fish WS# 12
    Parvipiseis Wymn.

  155. Giant Flying Vampire Toad WS# 301

  156. Giant Goober-Bug WS# 151

  157. Gilaopolis WS# 144

  158. Giasticutus (Bird) WS# 94

    Gilli-Galoo Fish SEE Whiffenpoof

  159. Gillygaloo WS# 65

    Gillygoo SEE Phillyloo

    Giuscootus SEE Giasticutus (Bird)

  160. Glacial Frog WS# 335

  161. Glass Beetle

    Glass Snake SEE Joint Snake

  162. Glawackus WS# 87

  163. Gloflikop WS# 237

  164. Glycobenphene

    Glyptodon SEE Hinge-Tailed Bingbuffer

    Go-Devil SEE Snallygaster

  165. Gobbledegook

  166. Golliwotalie WS# 309

  167. Gollywhopper

  168. Gollywog (Giant Muddpuppy)

  169. Goofang WS# 81
    Xerophthalmus opistobaenos Wymn.

  170. Goofang Fish SEE Goofang

    Goofgang SEE Goofang

  171. Goofus WS# 101
    Fulica stultusregrediens Tryn.

    Goofus Bird SEE Goofus

    Goophus Bird SEE Goofus

  172. Gormagunt

  173. Gormless Gudgeon
    Gobio goonio Parker, 1987

  174. Gowrow WS# 100
    Verdisquamata cruribrevis Wymn.

  175. Great Fox Squirrel WS# 261
    Sciurus ruber Rafin.

  176. Greater Greater Crested Bulbul

  177. Green-Footed Windpiper WS# 128
    Verdipus folliicutus Wymn.

  178. Green Plover WS# 262
    Charadrius viridis Rafin.

  179. Gremlin WS# 250

    Guffel SEE Goofus

  180. Guffel Bird

  181. Gumberoo WS# 24
    Megalogaster repercussus Sudw.

  182. Gushington Slimeback WS# 203

    Guiaskuitus SEE Guyuscutus

    Guyanosa SEE Guyuscutus

    Guyanousa SEE Guyuscutus

    Guyascutus SEE Guyuscutus

    Guyasticutus? SEE Guyuscutus

  183. Guyuscutus WS# 14
    Avis horribilus spurious Wymn.

    Gwinter SEE Guyuscutus

  184. Gyanther WS# 181
    Monocerate archihippus Wymn.

    Gyascutus SEE Guyuscutus

    Gyascutus SEE Giasticulus (Bird)

    Gyascutus washingtoniensis

    Gyreening Gyascutus SEE Guyuscutus



  185. Hacking Carp
    Cyprius coffitup Parker, 1987

  186. Hairy Timber Rattlers WS# 156

  187. Hairy-Legged Stuka Parrot WS# 170
    Psittacida crusihirsutus Wymn.

  188. Hangdown WS# 58

  189. Haneturtle

  190. Happy Auger WS# 20

  191. Haymow Boogerman

  192. Hellidid WS# 145

  193. Hesink

    Hickle Snifter SEE Kickle Snifters

  194. Hicklesnoopus WS# 52

    Hide-behind SEE Hidebehind

  195. Hidebehind WS# 73
    Ursus dissimulans Tryn.

    High-Behind SEE Hidebehind

  196. Hillside Ghyser WS# 143

  197. Hinge-Tailed Bingbuffer WS# 33
    Glyptodontis petrobolus Wymn.

    Hirsute Haddock SEE Pullman Fish

  198. Hodag (Flower)

  199. Hodag (Rhinelander) WS# 79
    Bovine spiritualis Shepard, E. S.

  200. Hoe-dag (Ohio)

  201. Honyak

  202. Hoopinflinder

    Hoop Snake SEE Hoopsnake

  203. Hoopsnake WS# 7
    Serpenscirculousus caudavenenifer Tryn.

  204. Hoot-peckers WS# 131
    Bube erythorcephalu Wymn.

    Hoopajuba SEE Whiffenpoof

    Hornsnake SEE Hoopsnake

  205. Hot-headed Ice Borer WS# 282

  206. House Bat

  207. House Hippo WS# 279

  208. Hugag WS# 117
    Rythmopes inarticulatus Sudw.

  209. Humility WS# 297

  210. Humpdumple WS# 327

  211. Husky Bee

  212. Hyampom Hog Bear WS# 113
    Ursus unimorsus amantiporcus Sudw.

  213. Hyas Klik-kllk

  214. Hychlorothene

  215. Hydra headed Amphibian Grampet WS# 211



  216. Ice Hornet

  217. Ice Mouse

  218. Ice Otter WS# 198
    Lutra Atlanticus lachrymosa Wymn.

  219. Ice Worms WS# 57
    Vermes frigidus Wymn.

  220. Icegedunk

  221. Icepecker

  222. Ithykasookus



  223. Jackalope WS# 124

  224. Jackalope, Arctic Lepus rangifer Green, 2016

  225. Jackalope, Cave

  226. Jackalope, Domestic Oryctolagusaries Green, 2016

  227. Jackalope, European Lepus dama Green, 2016

  228. Jackalope, Greater Lepus cervus Green, 2016

    Jackalope, Lesser SEE Muntjackalope

  229. Jackalope, Mountain Ochotoma oreamuos Green, 2016

  230. Jackalope, Marine

  231. Jackalope, Ryukyu Pentalagus nippon Green, 2016

    Jackalope, Sahara Jackalope, Scimitar-horned

  232. Jackalope, Savanna Lepus amtilope thomsonii Green, 2016

  233. Lepus amtilope oryx Green, 2016

  234. Lepus amtilope tragelaphus Green, 2016

    Jackalope, SStriped SEE Jackalope, Sumatran

  235. Jackalope, Scimitar-horned

  236. Jackalope, Sumatran Nesolagus rusa Green, 2016

  237. Jayhawk WS# 86

  238. Jersey Devil WS# 140
    Teratos incomprehensibilis

  239. Jimplecute WS# 2
    Verbumfalsus incomprehensibilis

    Jimplicute SEE Jimplecute

  240. Joint Snake WS# 28
    Serpentes fragmenticus Wymn.



    Kansas Goofus SEE Goofus

  241. Kangaroo Cat

  242. Kanibanbani

  243. Kankagee WS# 56

  244. Kaput Bird

  245. Kesara-pasaran

  246. Keyhole Crab Pinchus virginianus WS# 210
    Pinchus virginianus

  247. KFC 6-legged Chicken

  248. Kickle Snifters WS# 114

  249. Kingdoodle WS# 129

  250. Kissing Bug WS# 150 Insecta osculatus amoratus Wymn.

  251. Klondike Mergansie

  252. Koohopper WS# 167



  253. Laced Goldenwings

  254. Landlocked Walrus

  255. Laughing Poparina WS# 310

  256. Lava Bear WS# 311

    Leathery Gumberoo Gumberoo

  257. Left-Footed Beechaser WS# 149

  258. Leprocaun WS# 91
    Simiidiabolus hibernicus horribilis Sudw.

    Lesser Dadbill SEE Billdad

  259. Lion-Tail Jumping Mouse WS# 252
    Gerbillus leonurus Rafin.

  260. Linkumsluice WS# 70

    Loch Ness Monster
    Nessiteras rhombopteryx Scott & Rines, 1975

  261. Long-Range Target Duck WS# 333
    Bombardicus concentricus

  262. Log Gar WS# 80

  263. Lopsided Awger WS# 105

  264. Luebker Eagle WS# 130
    Volitodactyla ionosphericum Wymn.

  265. Luferlang WS# 64
    Spinacaerulea tresarticulosus Tryn.

    Lunkus SEE Guyuscutus

  266. Lun

  267. Lupiwoller

  268. Lurloo



  269. Madrone Monkey WS# 324

    Main Plunkus SEE Dingmaul

  270. Mammoth Ant WS# 284

  271. Man-Eater WS# 176
    Philanthropus sarcophagii Wymn.

  272. Mapolians WS# 234

  273. Maul-tailed Grouse

  274. Meddybemps Owl

  275. Messenger Bee

  276. Milamo WS# 84
    Avis vermivora Wymn.

    Milermore Bird SEE Mileormore

  277. Military Warbler WS# 334
    Plutonia pentagonus

  278. Milking Snake WS# 148
    Ophidia galactophilla Wymn.

  279. Milking Trout WS# 133

  280. Mileormore WS# 32

    Milermore Bird SEE Mileormore

    MOCC SEE Canada Mountain Creature Caught Running Behind Google Street Car

  281. Mole Lemming WS# 259
    Lemmus talpoides Rafin.

  282. Money Cat

  283. Motor-cop Carp WS# 207

  284. Moogie WS# 161

    Moogie Bird

  285. Mooskie

    Moskitto Bird

  286. Mountain Boomer

  287. Mountain Gouger

  288. Mountain High Behind

  289. Mountain Rabbit WS# 159

  290. Mountain Rat

  291. Moskitto WS# 37
    Insecta gigantious Wymn.

    Mouthless Dingmaul

    Mu SEE Sneeze-Duck

    Mudfish SEE Toad Mudcat

    Mudsucker SEE Toad Mudcat

  292. Mug-lump WS# 227
    Fustiscauda borgesia Sharpe, 2020

  293. Mugwump Bird WS# 110

  294. Multiflora Banibizunch

  295. Muntjackalope Oryctolaguscuniculus Green, 2016



  296. Namaycush WS# 292

  297. Nearsighted Bat Owl WS# 329
    Invertus myopius

  298. New York White

    Nighbehind SEE Hidebehind

  299. Nith River Monster WS# 285

    No-neck Wunk

  300. Noon Bird WS# 138
  301. Nuralagus megaloceres Green, 2016



    Ogre Rabbit

  302. Old Spider Legs, the Eight Legged Horse WS# 126
    Pseudohippus arachupus Wymn.

  303. Old Walleyes WS# 139

  304. One-finned Fish

  305. Oomph WS# 215
    Ranaincumbramentum alvinschwartz Sharpe, 2020

  306. Orance

  307. Orf WS# 315

    Oscar, The Beast of ’Busco

    Oozle Finch SEE Goofus

  308. Opium-pipe Fish WS# 205

  309. Opossum Snake WS# 54

    Orance SEE Wampus Cat

  310. Ornithyrhychus WS# 326

  311. Owl-eyed Ripple Skipper WS# 134
    Extraneuspiscis rindlisbacheri



  312. Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus WS# 160
    Octopus paxarbolis Zapato, L.

  313. Painter WS# 53

  314. Pamoola WS# 153

    Panther Fish

  315. Parana Fish WS# 286

  316. Partridge Creek Monster

  317. Penobscot Ice Breaker WS# 244

  318. Petrified Bird WS# 194

    Philama-loo SEE Phillyloo

    Philama-loo Bird SEE Phillyloo

    Philamaloo SEE Phillyloo

  319. Phillyloo WS# 98

    Phillyloo Bird

  320. Phosphorat
    Collassofemuris geocatapeltes

  321. Pickaliker WS# 183
    Axeansa xylotherepticus Wymn.

  322. Pileated Driki

  323. Pink Wood Mouse
    Apodemus roseus Suteminn, 1969

  324. Pink Wood Mouse Flea
    Ctenophthalmus nepalensis Suteminn, 1969

  325. Pinnacle Grouse WS# 35
    Avis gyrovolitatus Wymn.

  326. Plastic Bag Jellyfish WS# 337
    Plasticus pseudomedusa

    Plunkus SEE Dingmaul

  327. Pokim

  328. Polapus

  329. Poly-moo-zuke

    Pomola SEE Pamoola

  330. Ponjureen Bird WS# 116

  331. Poopampareno WS# 317

  332. Pop-eyed Frog
    Rana magnaocularis Fross, 1978

  333. Popcornfish WS# 289

  334. Portland Oyster Slug WS# 283

    Pounding Plunmus

  335. Powder Snake WS# 322

  336. Prairie Pike

  337. Pricuricu WS# 177
    Ornis cynophilus Wymn.

    Prock SEE Sidehill Gouger

    Perockius oregoniensis SEE Sidehill Gouger

  338. Probosscis Bird

  339. Propeller-tailed Fish

  340. Puke Buzzard

  341. Pullman Fish

  342. Purple Peopleater WS# 135



  343. Queen Pudamuk




    Raccaribbow SEE Rackarebo


  344. Racing Cow

  345. Racoonigator

  346. Rafinesque Snail WS# 266
    Lomastoma terebrina Rafin.

  347. Ratchet Owl WS# 172
    Bubo cephalovolutum Wymn.

  348. Rattlerrabbit WS# 171
    Lepus casteneta Wymn.

  349. Razorback WS# 42

  350. Red Tapir WS# 312

  351. Red-headed Swallow WS# 263
    Hirundo phenicephala Rafin.

  352. Red-eye Aplocentrus WS# 240

  353. Red-winged Coca Sucker WS# 291

  354. Rhinelapus WS# 30

    Ricaboo Racker SEE Guyuscutus

    Rinctum Rhino

  355. Ring-Tailed Smoker

  356. Ring-Tailed Tooter WS# 83

    Rock Worms SEE Cement Worms

  357. Rocky Mountain Barking Spiders WS# 293

  358. Rocky Mountain Terror WS# 288

  359. Rocky Mountain Woolly Horse

  360. Rod-and-reel Snake

  361. Rooter Dog

  362. Roperite Sudw. WS# 67
    Rhynchoropus flagelliformis

  363. Rough-head Sucker WS# 241
    Catostomus fasciolaris

  364. Rubberado WS# 15
    Erethizon neoprenicum Wymn.

  365. Rumptifusel WS# 17
    Villosus sumptuosus Tryn.

    Rumtifusel SEE Rumptifusel

  366. Rust-eating Perch WS# 209



  367. Salvager Sucker WS# 204

  368. Sand-bar Fish

    Sand Hill Dodger SEE Sidehill Gouger

    Sand Squink

    Sand-hill Dodger SEE Sidehill Gouger

    Sandhill Dodger SEE Sidehill Gouger

  369. Sandhill Perch WS# 179
    Perca areniculus Wymn.

  370. Santer WS# 9
    Nadiocties palustris Tryn.

  371. Saskipogo WS# 294

  372. Saucer-back Halibut

  373. Saw Hog

  374. Saw Snake WS# 325

  375. Scissor-bills

  376. Screbowil

  377. Sea Bat WS# 249

    Self-Reversing Aqualump SEE Aqualump

  378. Sewer Gator

    Shagamaw SEE

  379. Tote-road Shagamaw

  380. Shoo Fly WS# 193

  381. Shovel-face Oscar WS# 239
    Caputpala borgesia Sharpe, 2020

    Shovel-Tailed Snow Snake SEE Snow Snake

  382. Shwnidygon WS# 306

    Side-hill Badger SEE Sidehill Gouger

    Side-hill Dodger SEE Sidehill Gouger

    Side-hill Hoffer SEE Sidehill Gouger

    Side-hill Winder SEE Sidehill Gouger

    Sidehill Badger SEE Sidehill Gouger

    Sidehill Dodger SEE Sidehill Gouger

  383. Sidehill Gouger WS# 107
    Membriinequales declivitatis Tryn.

    Sidehill Winder SEE Sidehill Gouger

    Sidehill Sauger SEE Sidehill Gouger

    Sidewinder SEE Guyuscutus

  384. Silhouette Warbler WS# 331
    Dendroica unidimensionalis

  385. Sizzerbill WS# 231
    Fortexrostrum coxi Sharpe, 2020

    Sliver Cat SEE Slivercat

  386. Slivercat WS# 55
    Felis glabraspiculata Tryn.

  387. Skeeteroo WS# 223
    Ferrumproboscis artchildsi Sharpe, 2020

  388. Ski Flea WS# 304

  389. Skia WS# 330
    Sasquatch yeti

    Sky Floogle SEE Guyuscutus

    Slap-tail Pizazz SEE Billdad

  390. Slide-rock Bolter WS# 120
    Macrostoma saxiperrumptus Sudw.

  391. Snallygaster WS# 29
    Bovulopus gigantiloeutus

  392. Snawfus WS# 72
    Cervoalborum floraplenus

  393. Snazzy

  394. Sneeze-Duck WS# 141

  395. Snipe WS# 92
    Scolopax inexplicabilis Tryn.

  396. Snoligoster WS# 97
    Dorsohastatus caudirotula Sudw.

  397. Snoozeberry

  398. Snow Gopher

  399. Snow Snake WS# 96
    Aestatesommus hiemepericulosus Tyrn.

  400. Snow Wasset WS# 51
    Mustelinopsis subitivorax Sudw.

  401. Snow-boring Lizard WS# 299

  402. Snow-hen WS# 313
    Gallinaperplicatus johnrobinsi Sharpe, 2021

  403. Southern Masked Bear

  404. Spaghetti-tree

  405. Specter Moose

  406. Speedemon WS# 220
    Rapidusdemonicus dorsonae Sharpe, 2020

  407. Speedsimp Sucker WS# 208

    Spikehorm Hare

  408. Spiral Mango-bat

    Splinter Cat SEE Splintercat

  409. Splintercat WS# 104
    Felynx arbordiffisus Sudw.

  410. Split Dog WS# 323

  411. Split Rail WS# 328
    Alticrotch thighlongus

  412. Spook Rabbit

  413. Spoon-bill

  414. Spurdoodle WS# 233
    Caputacutus charlesbrownella Sharpe, 2020

  415. Squidgicum-Squee WS# 5

  416. Squasholiger WS# 222
    Incessuscucumis eugeneshepardi Sharpe, 2020

  417. Squinch Owl

  418. Squonk WS# 25
    Lacrimacorpus dissolvens Sudw.

    Stone-eater SEE Guyuscutus

  419. Stone-Eating Gyascutus WS# 157

  420. Storm Snapper

  421. Studio-inkerus WS# 321

  422. Sulfur-Crested Parabola WS# 158

  423. Swamp Auger WS# 93
    Natator palustris var. perforens Tryn.

  424. Swamp Auger (Bird) Sharpe, 2020 WS# 274
    Terebrapalus danielcoheni

  425. Swamp Booger WS# 63

  426. Swamp Gaboon WS# 276

    Swamp Gahoon SEE Swamp Gaboon

  427. Swamp-sooger

  428. Swamp Swiver

  429. Swan Valley Monster WS# 195

    Swelling Wendigo

  430. Swingdingle WS# 226
    Terrorarboreus danielcoheni Sharpe, 2020



  431. Tajar WS# 199
    Amnesias lethalis Wymn.

  432. Tailypo WS# 125

  433. Taneycomo Turtle WS# 95

  434. Tammaro WS# 269

  435. Tasmanian Mock Walrus

  436. Tcheucker

  437. Teakettler WS# 4

  438. Ten-legged Mice WS# 296


    Texas Killyioo SEE Kaput Bird

  439. Three-striped Mole Rat WS# 253
    Spalax trivittata Rafin.

  440. Three-Tailed Bavalorous WS# 137
    Theriornis tricauda unicornus Wymn.

  441. Thunderbird (Cryptid)

  442. Ticking Snake

  443. Timberdoodle WS# 77

  444. Tizzy-whizie

  445. Toad Mudcat WS# 188

    Toadfish SEE Toad Mudcat

  446. Tomcod WS# 85

  447. Tongue Bunnies

    Tonnage-rat SEE Engineer-Rat

  448. Toodalong Buzzard WS# 85

  449. Toodalong Fish

  450. Toothless Pike
    Esox gummius Parker, 1987

    Tote Road Shagamaw SEE Tote-road Shagamaw

  451. Tote-road Shagamaw WS# 109
    Bipedester delusissimus Sudw.

  452. Trapspringer WS# 230
    Inconcinnuscasus wymani Sharpe, 2020

  453. Treehopper WS# 238
    Humulusarboreus charlesbrownella Sharpe, 2020

    Tree Squeak SEE Treesqueak

  454. Treesqueak WS# 1
    Arborexusta stridens Tryn.

  455. Tri-valve Brachiopod WS# 264
    Notrema fissurella Rafin.

    Triceraturtle SEE Storm Snapper

    Tripodera SEE Tripodero

  456. Tripodero WS# 31
    Collapsofemuris geocatapeltes Sudw.

  457. Trout-catching Deer

  458. Turkeagle

  459. Turkey Snake WS# 166
    Serpentes horribilus Wymn.

  460. Tullyloo Bird

  461. Twittering Teeper

  462. Tygomelia WS# 303

  463. Type Louse WS# 320



  464. Underwater Moose WS# 302

  465. Upland Trout WS# 22
    Salmo culiphilis volans Wymn.



  466. Van Meter Visitor

    Vain Pomola

    Vampire Mosquito

    Vilas County Tiger SEE Camp Chipmonk

  467. Vociferous Antissmus WS# 48



  468. Wabbergoo WS# 212

  469. Wamfahoofus

  470. Wamfahoopus WS# 185
    Limmertakus boottii Boott, F.

  471. Wamp WS# 224
    Caudasal lakeshorekearni Sharpe, 2020

  472. Wampus Cat WS# 50


  473. Wapaloosie WS# 10
    Geometrigradus cilioretractus Sudw.

  474. Water Gouger WS# 182
    Lepisostens unicornus Wymn.

  475. Waterloo Bonney WS# 89

  476. Waterloo Plover WS# 88

  477. Waw-Waw Bird WS# 155

  478. Waw-Waw Bird

  479. Wedge-ledge Chomper

  480. Weeje WS# 300

  481. West Edmonton Mall Cockroach WS# 295

  482. Whangdoodle WS# 21

  483. Whapperknocker

  484. Whickle WS# 168
    Insecta oliohaustorium Wymn.

    Whiffle SEE Goofus

    Whiffle Bird SEE Goofus

  485. Whiffle-buck WS# 275

    Whiffle-poofle SEE Whiffenpoof


  486. Whiffle-Whiffle WS# 175
    Geocococcyx pygalgicum Wymn.

  487. Whiffle Snipe WS# 336

  488. Whiffletit WS# 146

  489. Whiffin-poofit

    Whiffenpuff SEE Whiffin-poofit

  490. Whiffenpoof WS# 40
    Piscisabsurdus tumescens Tryn.

  491. Whimpering Whingding WS# 39

  492. Whing-Whang WS# 19

    Whip Smake SEE Coach Smake

  493. Whirligig Fish WS# 69
    Piscis gyrinicus porcinus Wymn.

    Whirlygig Fish SEEWhirligig Fish

  494. Whirling Whimpus WS# 16
    Turbinoccissus nebuloides Sudw.

    Whistling Wampus SEE Whistling Whoo-Hoo

  495. Whistling Whoo-Hoo WS# 34

  496. White-eyed Barbot WS# 190

  497. White River Monster

  498. White-Stripped Lemming WS# 260
    Lemmus albovittatus Rafin.

  499. Who's Who Bug WS# 169
    Insecta quia-quia Wymn.

  500. Whooper Hopper WS# 60

  501. Whopperknocker WS# 90

  502. Whooping Spider

  503. Wild Auger Handle WS# 245

  504. Wild Coldshut WS# 319

  505. Wild Haggis WS# 305
    Haggis scoticus

    Wild Blue Yonder Wonder SEE Luebker Eagle

  506. Will-am-alone WS# 82

  507. Will-o’-the-wisp WS# 235

  508. Willipus-wallipus

  509. Windyo WS# 38

    Winged Bovalopus SEE Snallygaster

    Winged Vovalopus SEE Snallygaster

  510. Winno-welver

  511. Wiskerwoo Bird

  512. Woodman Snail WS# 267
    Eutrema terebroides Rafin.

  513. Woofaboomus

  514. Wooly Nig

  515. Wouser WS# 201
    Ursus ferositas delusissimus Wymn.

    Wow SEE Ponjureen

  516. Wowzer WS# 76


  517. Wunk WS# 23

  518. Wympsis WS# 196



  519. Yamhill Prock

  520. Yellow Racer WS# 247

  521. Yellow What-is-it

  522. Yow-ho Bird WS# 46



  523. Ziela

  524. Zigmall WS# 318

    Zigmaul SEE Zigmall


    Canadian Fearsome Critter Service
