The only snowy owl recorded was on the Squantum peninsula in Quincy.
Chip Perry, her dad, one of the maintenance men at our local Historic Valley Park Campground, says there is a snowy owl in that area. He has seen it on at least two different occasions.
Snowy Owl On Dec 30 a large white bird was seen flying out of the trees briefly on Unquamonk Hill on Sooth Street Willtemsburg. The observer believed it to be a snowy owl; and there have been reports of one being seen in Goshen in December also.
When arriving at Salisbury, we had searched in vain for a snowy owl. Leaving the area, we searched again and shortly the "Mister” called. “Come check this. I think I’ve found one!"Sure enough, standing on the ground, against a clump of salt marsh hay, there really was a snowy owl!
Canadian Fearsome Critter Service